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"Butterfly not only showcased [Mariah Carey's] already-established prowess as a vocalist, who could belt out ballads or flirt over the hottest summer jams but also as one of   the   most   versatile   songwriters   in   contemporary   music."   ―   Jessica   Littles,   ESSENCE

Lauded as a bona fide R&B classic by fans and critics, BUTTERFLY turns 25 this year. To  commemorate  this  momentous  occasion,  the  Lambs  offer  Mimi  a 




Join us in celebrating the silver anniversary of the R&B classic by paying homage to "The Roof," one of its most notable, critically acclaimed, and fan-renowned songs. Buy its NEW "When I Feel the Need" version with Brandy on iTunes and post about it using #BUTTERFLY25!

project butterfly

We have collated videos and text messages from Lambs around the world answering the question, "WHY DO YOU LOVE MARIAH CAREY'S 'BUTTERFLY' ALBUM? We  hope  you  enjoy  this  collection of loving messages from the fans!

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